Centar za politike emancipacije
Copyleft 2018 CPE
Partnerske organizacije

Principi jednakosti i solidarnosti su osnova za izgradnju pravednijeg društva.

Razvoj društva za imperativ mora imati zadovoljenje potreba i ostvarenje potencijala svih ljudi.

Borba za radna prava i javna dobra predstavlja čvorišno mesto otpora narastajućim nejednakostima.

About us

Founded in Belgrade in 2011, the Centre for the Politics of Emancipation (CPE) is a dedicated platform for critical analysis and advocacy. Our mission is to challenge the prevailing neoliberal order and promote transformative social, economic, and political change.

We believe that a just and equitable society can only be achieved through democratic socialism. By fostering critical thinking, education, and research, we aim to:

– Raise awareness: Expose the systemic injustices and inequalities inherent in capitalism.

– Promote alternative visions: Develop and disseminate alternative models of social organization based on equality, solidarity, and sustainability.

– Facilitate action: Empower individuals and communities to participate in transformative political movements.

Key activities and initiatives:

– Political education: Our political school, “Studies of Socialism,” offers in-depth exploration of socialist theory, history, and contemporary applications.

– Research: We conduct research on a wide range of topics, including labor rights, economic alternatives, and social justice movements.

– Public events: We organize conferences, workshops, and public discussions featuring renowned international scholars and activists.

– International collaboration: We are active members of global networks such as the Clean Clothes Campaign and transform! europe, working to advance progressive causes on a global scale.

Our impact:

Through our work, we have:

– Influenced policy debates: Contributed to shaping public discourse on important issues such as economic inequality, climate justice, and workers’ rights.

– Built networks: Connected progressive individuals, organizations, and movements across Serbia and internationally.

– Solidarized with workers’ struggles: Provided support and advocacy for workers’ rights, including fair wages, safe working conditions, and collective bargaining.

– Empowered communities: Provided tools and resources for grassroots activism and social change.

Our commitment:

We are committed to building a society that prioritizes the needs of people and enables full development of individual and social potential. We believe that decent work is a fundamental right and that all workers deserve a living wage. To this end, we have been one of the founders of the Decent Work Balkans platform, which brings together organizations from the Western Balkans region to advocate for improved working conditions. We have also been initiators of the Living Wage Declaration, signed by 4 trade unions, more 22 civil society organizations, and over 2,500 individuals in Serbia, demanding a living wage for all workers.

Join us in the struggle for a better world!

Centar za politike emancipacije
Copyleft 2018 CPE
Partnerske organizacije