Centar za politike emancipacije
Copyleft 2018 CPE
Partnerske organizacije

*ENG below*

Zadovoljstvo nam je da vas pozovemo na letnju školu o solidarnoj ekonomiji i gradnji mira (Summer school: Peacebuilding & Solidarity Economy).

Ovo je specijalni letnji modul, nastao u saradnji sa spoljnom saradnicom Marijom Jakovljević, u okviru Social Change Initiative Fellowship, a uz podršku Rekonstrukcije ženskog fonda.

Letnja škola ima 3 stuba: gradnja pravednog mira, ekonomija i organizovanje, sa posebnim fokusom na mapiranju potreba, zagovaranju, međusobnoj podršci i eksperimentisanju.

Učesnice/i će biti iz različitih oblasti, sektora i krajeva sveta. Razgovaraćemo o analizama i praksama od Kostarike do Nepala, od Severne Irske do Južne Afrike.

U prom bloku (12-14. avgust), segment gradnje mira posvećen je holističkom shvatanju mirovnog aktivizma. Napravićemo osvrt na iskustva Balkana i Severne Irske te uspoznati se sa ekonomskom situacijom i promenom radnog zakonovastva u Ukrajni tokom rata.

Ekonomski segment pokriva istoriju i stanje ekonomske pravde i radnih prava globalno i lokalno, a potom sledi razgovor o solidarnoj i feminističkoj ekonomiji (šta bi bio feministički bailout i ekonomski oporavak). Potom razgovaramo o kreiranju radnih i aktivističkih okruženja koji su usmereni na ljudske i okolišne potrebe.

Treći stub koji se tiče organizovanja započinje razgovorom o zaceljivanju (healing) unutar pokreta i zajednica i uspostavljanju mreža podrške. Bavićemo se i finansijskim aspektom kroz razgovor o komplementarnim valutama zajednice (community/complementary currencies). Prostor će biti dat i razgovoru i prevođenju vrednosti u praksu i potrebi za učenjem i reflektovanjem van rigidnih projektnih matrica.

Drugi blok (27-28. avgust) počinje razgovorom o potrebama aktivista za adekvatnijim načinima finansiranja. Upoznaćemo se sa praksama fleksibilnih donatora koji pokazuju da donatroska podrška može da bude mnogo odgovornija i adekvatnija. Plan je da napravimo listu potreba i preporuka koje aktivisti mogu dalje koristiti i prilagođavati u svom zagovaračkom radu za bolje finansiranje.

Poslednjeg dana fokusiramo se na primere solidarne ekonomije koji dobrinose izgradnji mira i/ili autonomnom finansiranju mirovnog aktivizma. Upoznaćemo se sa nekoliko solidarnih incijativa i razmatrati mogućnost uspostavljanja platforme solidarnih inicijativa koju bi mogli da koriste širi društveni krugovi i na taj način potpomognu da resursi ostanu u pokretima i zajednicima, umesto da se odlivaju u biznis sektor.

Letnja škola se dešava u 2 bloka:

I blok: 12-14. avgust

II blok: 27-28. avgust

Možete se prijaviti za jednu ili više sesija.

Agenda je dostupna OVDE >>>

Sa učesnicima i facilitatorima se možete upoznati klikom OVDE >>>

Formular za prijavu možete pronaći klikom OVDE >>>

Radni jezik je engleski.

Imajte u vidu da je broj mesta ograničen i da ćemo ih popunjavati kako prijave budu pristizale.

Za studente Studija socijalizma, imamo sačuvan određen procenat prioritetnih mesta.

Finalni rok za apliciranje je 31. jul.

Radujemo se ovoj međunarodnoj razmeni znanja i iskustva i nadamo se da ćete biti deo nje.


CPE i radni tim Letnje škole

Tewa Centar & permaculture garden, Nepal, PHOTO: Marija Jakovljevic


We are pleased to invite you to the Summer School: Peacebuilding & Solidarity Economy.

This is a special summer module, created in cooperation with external associate Marija Jakovljević, within the Social Change Initiative Fellowship and supported by Reconstruction Women’s Fund.

The summer school has 3 pillars: just peacebuilding, economics and organizing, with a special focus on needs mapping, advocacy, mutual support and experimentation.

The participants will be from different areas, sectors and corners of the world. We will discuss analysis and practices from Costa Rica to Nepal, from Northern Ireland to South Africa.

In the first block (August 12-14), the peacebuilding segment is dedicated to a holistic understanding of peace activism. We will reflect on the experiences of the Balkans and Northern Ireland and learn about the economic situation and the changes in labor legislation in Ukraine during the war.

The economic segment covers the history and state of economic justice and labor rights globally and locally, followed by a discussion of solidarity and feminist economics (what would be a feminist bailout and economic recovery). We then discuss the creation of working and activist environments that are focused on human and environmental needs.

The third pillar, dedicated to organizing, begins with a discussion on healing within movements and communities and establishing safety nets. We will also deal with the financial aspect through the discussion of complementary community currencies (community/complementary currencies). Space will be given to discussion on translatin of values into practice and the need for learning and reflection outside of rigid project matrices.

The second block (August 27-28) begins with a discussion about the needs of activists for more adequate ways of financing. We will learn about the practices of flexible donors, which show that donor support can be much more responsible and adequate. The plan is to make a list of needs and recommendations that activists can further use and adapt in their advocacy work for better funding.

On the last day, we focus on the solidary economy as one of the ways to support peacebuilding and/or autonomous financing of peace activism. We will hear from several solidarity initiatives and explore the idea of establishing a platform of solidarity initiatives that could be used by wider social circles and thus help to retain financial resources in movements and communities, instead of wasting them onto the business sector.

The summer school takes place in 2 blocks:

1st block: 12-14. August

2nd block: 27-28. August

You can register for one or more sessions.

The agenda is available HERE >>>

You can learn about contributors and facilitators HERE >>>

Application form available HERE >>>

The working language is English.

Please note that the number of places is limited and that we will fill them on a rolling basis.

For students of the Study of Socialism, we have reserved a certain percentage of priority places.

The final deadline for applications is July 31.

We are looking forward to this international exchange of knowledge and experience, and we hope you will be a part of it.

In solidarity,

CPE and the working team of the Summer School

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